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VBanks Inc | Residential Real Estate Management | Commercial Real Estate Management | Asset Management

Unveiling the Journey: VBanks' Story of Success


BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir in Gadhada, Gujarat, India.
VBanks Inc | Residential Real Estate Management | Commercial Real Estate Management | Asset Management
Farmland in Gujarat, India

Original Pioneer

Embark on a narrative that transcends time, as we unveil the storied heritage of VBanks, rooted in the early 1900s of India.


The Voyage of Visionaries. Our saga commences with Ranchhod Dada and Laxmi Ba’s valiant expedition from Valbhipur to Mandva. Propelled by the quest for new horizons, they carried not just the fertile soil of their motherland but the seeds of a legacy destined to flourish through the ages. Their sacrifices laid the cornerstone of freedom and progress, charting a destiny for the Vaghashia name.


Govind’s Epoch. In the rural tranquility of Gujarat, in November 1950 heralded the inception of Govind’s tale. As the fifth born, of seven children, his birth marked the advent of an era ripe with promise. Nurtured in the virtues of spirituality, prayer, and faith, Govind learned to navigate life’s vicissitudes with humility and optimism. The devastating loss of his mother at the young age of 13 was a profound setback for him and the entire family; however, his father, older brother and sister-in-law fortified his resolve and reminded Govind of her teachings in perseverance and optimism.  This newfound hope guided him on a solitary odyssey to the United States to study Chemical Engineering at the University of Southern California in Downtown Los Angeles in 1973.

Journey to Los Angeles, California

A Dream Realized in Los Angeles. Govind’s sojourn from the pastoral fields of India to the vibrant streets of Los Angeles was a testament to his tenacity. Armed with resilience, patience, and his mother’s optimism, he transformed from a farmer’s son to a student leader, and later defied the odds of leaving his childhood village to pursue a graduate degree from USC. To Govind, ‘impossible’ was a notion to be conquered, a declaration of ‘I AM POSSIBLE.’ Unswayed by naysayers and despite having no financial support from his family, Govind’s future path was his alone to forge.


The Genesis of VBanks. Embracing life’s challenges with wisdom and optimism, Govind’s relentless pursuit of knowledge was matched only by his dedication to work. His strategic pivot into Southern California’s real estate market was a prelude to a serendipitous partnership with Mrs. Vaghashia, laying the foundation for VBanks’ future. Govind's vision as a Real Estate entrepreneur in LA began with his first venture in Hospitality after acquiring a Franchise motel in 1976.  The commitment to long days and nights of being an owner operator with his loving wife Sonal and first-born son was a testament to the grit, perseverance and tenacity required to survive the early stages of building a dynasty.

VBanks Inc | Residential Real Estate Management | Commercial Real Estate Management | Asset Management
VBanks Inc | Residential Real Estate Management | Commercial Real Estate Management | Asset Management
VBanks Inc | Residential Real Estate Management | Commercial Real Estate Management | Asset Management
VBanks Inc | Residential Real Estate Management | Commercial Real Estate Management | Asset Management
VBanks Inc | Residential Real Estate Management | Commercial Real Estate Management | Asset Management
VBanks Inc | Residential Real Estate Management | Commercial Real Estate Management | Asset Management

One-Man-Show to VBanks 2.0

Building a Dynasty. Fast forward fifty years, Govind and Sonal’s transformative journey has seen VBanks flourish, embodying the same optimism instilled by Ranchhod Dada and Laxmi Ba. Despite the trials and tribulations of assimilating to a new country as teenagers, their unwavering spirit has ensured the prosperity for future generations. 


The values and wisdom of our forebears, the values of resilience, integrity, and benevolence, continue to steer VBanks, providing a beacon of inspiration deeply ingrained in the institution’s ethos while ensuring the legacy endures for generations to come. They include:


Resilience and Optimism: Laxmi Ba’s teachings of facing life’s adversities with a positive outlook remain a cornerstone of VBanks’ philosophy. This resilience has enabled us to navigate challenges and emerge stronger.


Humility and Gratitude: Despite success and growth, we hold the value of humility, always remembering our roots and the sacrifices that paved the way for our achievements.


Hard Work and Integrity: The belief in hard work and maintaining integrity in all dealings reflects Ranchhod Dada’s influence on our operational principles.


Generosity and Benevolence: H.D.H. Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s spirit of seva (selfless service) and experiencing the joy in giving to others is mirrored in VBanks’ commitment to community service and philanthropy.


Spirituality and Faith: The spiritual foundation laid by our elders continues to inspire VBanks’ approach to business, instilling a sense of purpose and ethical responsibility.


These timeless values are the guiding stars for VBanks, ensuring that the legacy lives on, not just in spirit but in the very fabric of the institution’s culture.

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